About us
About us
Wormax Inc. is very good at using “Black Soldier Fly” to produce animal protein, which is excellent protein source for feed of livestock. We have raised the livestock by following standard operation procedures of European Union and US’s AAFCO.
We use natural agroindustrial by-product (distiller’s grain, bean dregs and coffee grounds) and plant raw material to prepare bait for livestock, meanwhile, we never use any kitchen waste and manure of livestock. Therefore, we can reach insect raising regulation of fodder level of foreign country.

Brand story
The Story
蟲小道大, from small one to large one, has gradually realized the great goal of insect industry. In addition, tiny insect can also bring great benefit to the life of human being.
The name Wormax is an association of Worm and Max. It represents an optimization of the development of insect and insect industry, and it also means the creation of a future filled with green and circular economy.